If you care about your pet

as people love their children,

you need a stand-alone Pet Trust.

It's the best way to protect your pet's future.

A Pet Trust enables your pet to continue living the lifestyle it’s accustomed to when you’re not there. It’s a legal document with guidelines on how to take care of your pet the way you do. Our Foundation provides a variety of educational resources to help people learn how to plan a Pet Trust with a comprehensive Care Plan and correlating budget.

Essential Components of Pet Trusts

Learn the basic building blocks of a well-designed and comprehensive Pet Trust.
We’ve made it easy for you.

Visit our Library of articles, videos, and blogs to learn more.


The Nuturing Pet Owner

Pet parents give their dogs and cats the world. But what plan do you have to protect their future? Act now before it’s too late.


The Curious Lawyer

Become a Pet Trust Specialist. Find out what the law doesn’t tell you. Let us show you how.

Learn More About Pet Trusts

Library, News & Press

Attorneys Don’t Know Everything

Attorneys Help Plan for the Future Elder attorneys and estate planning attorneys help people prepare documents that protect their loved ones upon the person’s death. They arrange for the transfer of assets so family, and sometimes, friends, continue to be well taken care of. During this process, these questions often arise, “How can I protect […]

The Top 20 Benefits of Preparing a Pet Trust for Your Pets

Widespread Benefits of Preparing a Pet Trust Preparing a Pet Trust to protect your pet’s future has many benefits. It’s the best way to care for your pets and enable them to continue living the lifestyle they are accustomed to. Pet Trusts comfort your pets and ease their stress when adjusting to life without you. […]

Community Pet Trusts Help More Pets

Pet Trusts Could Help Pets and Shelter Workers Pet Trusts can impact shelter workers in addition to shelter animals and your own pet. An Applied Animal Behaviorist,  Dr. Emily Weiss,  created a blog post for The Association for Animal Welfare and Advancement.  In the blog, Dr Weiss addresses the overwhelming feelings animal shelter workers are […]

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